General Approach
Meeting our legal obligations with regard to Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Follow government advice and adapt accordingly
If you can work from home effectively, then stay home
Communicate our approach clearly, without ambiguity, robustly and regularly
Ensure adequate signage is in place across all buildings including, symptoms to look out for and hygiene and safety precautions
Conduct a COVID 19 risk assessment and display on noticeboards
Undertake the free online COVID 19 training course at
Staff displaying any symptoms shall immediately self-isolate and follow government advice.
Where infection has occurred and been confirmed deep cleaning operations to be undertaken
Clinical vulnerability shall be considered for all staff and those at higher risk shall have additional measures in place, including supportive working from home
Travelling to and From Work and During Work
Clean your vehicle down prior travelling with antiseptic wipes, including steering wheel, controls and handles (interior and exterior). Avoid using other person’s vehicles. If required ensure you wipe down and use disposable gloves. Carry wipes and sanitising gel with you if possible.
All staff should ensure you have enough food, water and or hot drinks for the day ahead. Avoid shopping, wherever possible or stopping on route to the office or to site.
If journeys are a longer distance where stopping is unavoidable, then maintain a minimum distance of 2 metres, wash your hands thoroughly when leaving the facilities for 20 seconds using soap and warm water, once returned to vehicle clean your hands the vehicle handles and controls using antibacterial wipes prior continuing your journey.
All Personnel travelling to work should travel in individual vehicles unless they co-habit.
Where possible, cycle or walk to work as well as reducing your COVID19 risk, it will improve your overall health and wellbeing
Ensure hands are cleaned regularly, including when touching surfaces, gates and keypads. Use hand sanitizer each time you return to your vehicle.
Always keep 2 metres away from people at fuel stations, whilst using the disposable gloves provided. Consider chip and pin or window service where possible.
Sharing Office Workspace
Only essential staff to be travelling to work and those who cannot work from home
Reduce the need for high touch point use where possible, Sign-in ipads, keypads etc should be deactivated when safe and secure to do so
High levels of ventilation should be encouraged
Only use lifts, where absolutely necessary
One-way system for accessing the offices, where practical, with an entry and exit door.
Entry and exit to be orderly – one at a time with a 2 metre radius.
Strictly no access to site for visitors. All customer/supplier or other meetings to be conducted by suitable conferencing facilities – see video conferencing policy
Delivery drivers to site should be appointed a delivery / drop off area, with clear instructions given by staff of restricted access to the site.
Desks in use to be separated minimum 2 metre apart in office space
Where the 2 metre safe distance cannot be achieved then protective screens shall be used between workstations.
Equipment including computers & desk phones shall be allocated to one user. If handover is necessary, they must be effectively disinfected before the handover.
Hand wash, tissues and hand sanitisers to be widely available across all work areas. All used cleaning products to be put in the available bins immediately.
Signage shall be put in place advising of Covid-19 symptoms and to keep social distancing.
Use of Welfare Facilities
Restrict the number of people using toilet facilities at any one time to ensure the 2 metre separation can be maintained.
Wash hands before and after using the facilities using the 20 second rule
Always clean toilet facilities at the start of the day and before and after every use, particularly door handles, locks and the toilet flush
Provide suitable and sufficient rubbish bins for hand towels with regular removal and disposal.
Ensure an enhanced cleaning regime is implemented by agreement with the site leadership team.
Hand wash, tissues and hand sanitisers to be widely available across all work areas. All used cleaning products to be put in the available bins immediately
Rest and Food Break Periods
Maintain at least 2 metres separation
Stagger break times for staff to help social distancing and reduce contact
Try to take breaks in outdoor areas where possible, keeping 2 metres apart, or alone in your vehicle – DO NOT have more than 1 person in your vehicle (unless from same household) and don’t sit in other persons vehicles for break.
Do not share cutlery, crockery or cups
Table tops, door handles and mess facilities should be cleaned down before and after each individual’s breaks.
Mess facilities should limited use to one person at a time
All cutlery should be personalised
Recorded cleaning regime for each building.
All waste should be bagged immediately and disposed of, not left in the kitchen area
Kitchen areas are to be cleaned down regularly, particularly before preparing food or drink. Areas such as kettle and fridge handles should be wiped down with disinfectant wipe.
Where possible and location allows, management team to arrange for additional cleaning facilities to be delivered to site locations.
Hand wash, tissues and hand sanitisers to be widely available across all work areas. All used cleaning products to be put in the available bins immediately
Additional Measures
· Mental health support, where required
COVID 19 coordinator for logging COVID 18 related issues